Financial restructuring
Financial restructuring
We reorganize your finances
We discover, highlight and advise you on all the necessary cuts that need to be made to put your “finances” on a stable and sustainable basis.
We analyze the assets and capital structure of the business and propose appropriate funding that meets the requirements and objectives of your business and achieves the most favorable conditions for survival and growth.
We contribute and help the businesses plan monitoring and control of the financial situation.
- We analyze your existing financial position in depth and proceed if it is necessary to set up all the necessary steps to reorganize your finances. We propose all the solutions that will lead to your goals and the sustainability of your projects.
- We study your existing funding structures and advise and guide you to reduce costs as well as reduce risk and interaction in business.
- With our extensive experience in negotiating with Banking Institutions, we effectively contribute to the regulation, restructuring and reactivation of your Loan Portfolio.
- We are preparing a plan to channel the company’s limited resources in order to maximize its last euro.
Contact Us
For more information contact a specialized ecan consultant today, for a meeting and a discussion with the aim of evaluating and analysing your business!